At EthicSchool, Ineke Malsch provides training and advice on socially responsible innovation to anyone who wants to contribute to sustainable technology development or wants to know more about it.
EthicSchool is the 2nd trade name of Malsch TechnoValuation, registered with the Chamber of Commerce in Utrecht.
Download the general terms and conditions.
and the Gender Equality Plan.
Mailing address:
PO Box 455 3500 AL Utrecht
Mission: To train professionals and citizens in responsible innovation for sustainable development, in interdisciplinary collaboration with natural scientists, engineers, social scientists and humanities, governments, companies, civil society organizations and citizens.
Vision: New technology and innovation offer opportunities for sustainable development, but also pose potential risks for people, the environment and society. Ordinary citizens must have a say in investment choices from the start, because they or their descendants will ultimately have to live with the consequences.
In Sustainable Utrecht 2030 we will discuss sustainable living with Utrechters with a small budget and develop solutions together with partners. For more information, visit the website.
+ 11 March 2025. Ineke Malsch: Ethische Impacts en Waardenconflicten rond H2-opslag in Zoutcavernes bij Zuidwending. Guest lecture societal values - HAN Hogeschool.
+ 5-7 May 2025. STS Conference Graz 2025. I organise a session about "Ethical challenges & role of societal stakeholders for building a pan-European training partnership for (research and) innovation on safe and sustainable nano- and advanced materials" together with partners in the INISS-nano network and the Nanosafety cluster.
+ 18-19 September 2025. Workshop Ethics of Nanomedicine. MELOMANES project, VU Amsterdam.
On request I organize workshops and training courses on socially responsible innovation and sustainable development.